Rhaoul A. Guillaume, Sr., P.E., F.ASCE and OPUS Dean of Engineering, Stanley V. Jaskolski, Ph.D., Marquette University
Rhaoul A. Guillaume, Sr., P.E., F.ASCE, a 1971 Marquette University Engineering graduate and President of GOTECH, Inc., served as the Inaugural Returning Alumnus Speaker at Marquette University on October 28, 2009. Each year, beginning in 2009, Marquette University will invite a successful, accomplished alumnus to speak in the classroom and during a public presentation in the auditorium. Marquette’s motto is “Being the Difference”. The University selects an alum who exemplifies this, with the purpose of encouraging others to do likewise and illustrating to students how to best live the motto. The highlight of the event was his evening speech entitled, “Being a Difference” given in the Alumni Memorial Union to approximately 200 guests including his fellow Sigma Phi Delta brothers, engineers from Milwaukee and the public. Guillaume also spoke to 100 construction management, engineering, business and communication students in Dr. Mark Federle’s classes. Federle is the Chairman of Marquette's Construction Engineering and Management division. Guillaume shared lunch with several students who travel to the New Orleans Ninth Ward each school break to volunteer with rebuild efforts. Guillaume was accompanied by his two sons, Rhaoul, Jr. and Randy who work at GOTECH, Bruce Dyson, Engineering Coordinator and Jeff Floyd, Chief Engineer.
Rhaoul A. Guillaume, Sr. was recognized in the Spring 2011 edition of Marquette's Alumni Magazine.